Sabah, Best of Borneo

Situated on the beautiful island of Borneo, Sabah is one of the thirteen states which Malaysia is made of. Sabah is the second largest state in Malaysia and shares the island of Borneo with Sarawak, Brunei, and Indonesian Kalimantan.

Sabah is richly blessed with nature diversity, unique cultures, fun adventure, beautiful beaches, and fantastic cuisines for the adventurous taste buds. We have it all, from the world’s largest flower - the Rafflesia, one of the highest mountains in South East Asia - Mount Kinabalu, to one of the world’s top dive sites - Sipadan Island. Sabah is also known for her great natural treasures which include the world-renowned Danum Valley Conservation Area and Tabin which is Sabah’s largest wildlife reserve.

Not only will you be amazed by the places to see and things to do here, you will also be treated with unique Sabahan hospitality. Explore the unique culture and tradition of Sabah and get ready to experience sweet memories to last a lifetime!

Borneo Island

Borneo is the third largest island in the world and is located at the centre of the Maritime Southeast Asia. This island is divided between Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei.

Nevertheless, for people outside of Indonesia, “Kalimantan” refers to the area which is occupied by Indonesia on the island of Borneo. Malaysia’s region of Borneo is called East Malaysia or Malaysian Borneo. The independent nation of Brunei occupies the remainder of the island, being the wealthiest of the rest.

Once known as North Borneo, Sabah was under the British colony during the late 19th century till the early 20th century. Sabah gained self-government on the 31st of August, 1963. Sabah, together with Malaya, Singapore and Sarawak formed the Federation of Malaysia on the 16th of September 1963. At 76, 115 square kilometers large, Sabah is the second biggest state in Malaysia after Sarawak.

People and Culture

The people of Sabah are known as Sabahans. Sabah is the third most populous state in Malaysia after Selangor and Johor; it also has one of the highest population growth rates in the country.

There are currently 32 officially recognized ethnic groups in Sabah with the largest non-indigenous ethnic group being the Chinese and the largest indigenous group being the Kadazan-Dusun people. Two other larger ethnic groups in Sabah are the Bajau and Murut, compared to other states in the country; Sabah has relatively very small population of Indians and South Asians.

Apart from the Sabahans’ very own diverse mother tongues, Bahasa Malaysia (national language) and English is widely spoken; Mandarin and some Chinese dialects are also widely spoken.

In Sabah, we greet people by saying “selamat datang” (welcome) and/or “terima kasih” (thank you) with a smile. Due to religious reasons, some may prefer not to have physical contact with others. However, a handshake is generally acceptable as a way of introducing oneself.

It’s customary to remove shoes before entering a mosque as well as homes. In places of worship, visitors are required to dress modestly. Nude sunbathing is not allowed and is very frowned upon. Avoid pointing your index finger at others, as this is considered rude in the local custom.

Visit Malaysia 2014

Peta pelancongan tempat-tempat menarik di Sabah



Visit Malaysia 2014

Tabin Wildlife Reserve

>> Rabu, 22 Julai 2015

Tabin Wildlife Reserve is home to various endangered wildlife such as the Borneo Pygmy elephants, Tembadau and exotic birdlife. Covered in euryspecies lowland rainforest, Tabin nurtures a colossal number of tropical plants; some of which are rich in medicinal and therapeutic values. Wildlife photography aficionados and birdwathcing enthusiasts will find their visit to Tabin a truly pricelss experience! Whether you're a wild adventure seeker, an environmentalist earth mother, a photography lover, an animal activist, or simply just someone looking out for something fun; Tabin extends her arms in welcome. Here, you'll get a taste of nature like nowhere else.


>> Rabu, 13 Ogos 2014

Pulau Manukan is located off the coast of downtown Kota Kinabalu. From Hyatt Regency Kinabalu, a 2-minute drive or 10-minute walk will bring you to the jetty at Jesselton Point (formerly Sabah Port Authority ferry terminal). 

There are a number of tour operators here that will bring you to Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park (which consists of the islands of Pulau Gaya, Pulau Sapi, Pulau Manukan, Pulau Sulug and Pulau Mamutik). The rental is charged per boat, which can range anywhere between RM100 and RM200. One boat can fit 4-6 people. A short 30-minute breezy boat ride will bring you here.

In general, the beach at Pulau Manukan is a bit less spectacular compared to the one in Pulau Sapi. Nonetheless, the its shortcomings above the water surface is compensated by the rich and colourful marine life that you can find underneath it. Really, people come to Pulau Manukan for the diving and snorkeling.

There is a resort on the island called Manukan Island Resort, operated by a leisure outfit by the name of Sutra Sanctuary Lodges. Other than that, there are basic tourist facilities provided on the beach, such as water-based activity centre (for renting kayaks, snorkeling gears, life jackets, etc), a small café and public bathroom.

Overall, I think the beach is quite nice. There are still plenty of tourists coming here for the underwater actions. In general, the beach can be regarded as sufficiently long for your personal space where you can spread your beach towels and put on your sunglasses.

Desa Cattle

>> Selasa, 1 Julai 2014

The Desa Dairy Project,TENUSU DESA, of Desa Cattle (S) Sdn. bhd. is located at the foothills of Mt.Kinabalu at the Mesilau Plateau, Kundasang. Milk production commenced in March 1981. The project is now capable of producing 900,000 litres of milk per year.

The total area of this farm is 199 hectars of which 133 hectars have been planted with improved pasture such as Kikuyu, Narok Setaria and legume (white clover).

Most of the milking cows are Friesians and producing daily average of 14 litres high quality milk per cow. Friesians are the highest milk producers of all dairy cattle breeds and are most popular temperate breed worlwide. The milk contains a specially pleasing balance of cream, proteins, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals unique to milk produced in mild temperate climates.

Desa Cattle (Sabah) Sdn. Bhd.

Mesilau Highland, Kundasang, Ranau, Sabah.

Contact us:
P.O.Box 71, 89308 Kundasang,
Ranau, Sabah.
Tel: 088-889562
Fax: 088-889530

GPS of Desa Cattle, Decimal coordinates (latitude, longitude):
6.013877, 116.593519p


>> Rabu, 25 Jun 2014

Sipadan is the only oceanic island in Malaysia, rising 600 metres (2,000 ft) from the seabed. It is located in the Celebes Sea off the east coast of Sabah, East Malaysia (which is on the island of Borneo). It was formed by living corals growing on top of an extinct volcanic cone that took thousands of years to develop. Sipadan is located at the heart of the Indo-Pacific basin, the centre of one of the richest marine habitats in the world. More than 3,000 species of fish and hundreds of coral species have been classified in this ecosystem. Sipadan has been rated by many dive journals as one of the top destinations for diving in the world.

Frequently seen in the waters around Sipadan: green and hawksbill turtles (which mate and nest there), enormous schools of barracuda in tornado-like formations as well as large schools of big-eye trevally, and bumphead parrotfish. Pelagic species such as manta rayseagle raysscalloped hammerhead sharks and whale sharks also visit Sipadan.
A turtle tomb lies underneath the column of the island, formed by an underwater limestone cave with a labyrinth of tunnels and chambers that contain many skeletal remains of turtles that become lost and drown before finding the surface

In the past, the island was at the center of a territorial dispute between Malaysia and Indonesia. The matter was brought for adjudication before the International Court of Justice and, at the end of 2002, the Court awarded the island along with the island of Ligitan to Malaysia, on the basis of the "effective occupation" displayed by the latter's predecessor (Malaysia's former colonial power, the United Kingdom) and the absence of any other superior title. The Philippines had applied to intervene in the proceedings on the basis of its claim to Northern Borneo, but its request was turned down by the Court early in 2001. On April 23, 2000, 21 people were kidnapped by the Filipino Islamist terrorist group Abu Sayyaf. The armed terrorists arrived by boat and forced 10 tourists and 11 resort workers at gun point to board the vessels and brought the victims toJolo. All victims were eventually released.The island was declared a bird sanctuary in 1933 by the Colonial Government of North Borneo and re-gazetted in 1963 by the Malaysian Government.In his film Borneo: The Ghost of the Sea Turtle (1989) Jacques Cousteau said, "I have seen other places like Sipadan, 45 years ago, but now no more. Now we have found an untouched piece of art.


>> Isnin, 28 April 2014

Sabah's Lost World Nature explorers will simply love the Maliau Basin as it is an excellent site for jungle trekking and bird watching. It contains an unusual assemblage of 12 forest types, comprising mainly of lower montane forest dominated by majestic Agathis trees, rare montane heath forest and lowland, and hill diperocarp forest. The highlight of the adventure is to trek the majestic 7 tiers Maliau Falls. Keen visitors must, however, obtain a permission to enter the Maliau Basin in advance from Yayasan Sabah. Also bear in mind that Maliau Basin is a remote, atavistic and isolated area with limited access, communications and safety facilities. Activities Nature explorers will simply love the Maliau Basin as it is an excellent site for jungle trekking and bird watching. At night, visitors may also take a night drive for wildlife spotting. Water babies can also take a dip in the beautiful waterfall.


>> Jumaat, 28 Mac 2014

Datanglah beramai-ramai untuk menyaksikan acara-acara kebudayaan Daerah Kota Marudu


20 APRIL 2014
* Pertandingan bercerita bahasa ibunda

24 APRIL 2014
* Pertandingan Sugandoi Kaamatan

26 APRIL 2014
* Pertandingan Mr. Harvest Tourism Kaamatan

01 MEI 2014
* Pertandingan Unduk Ngadau Kaamatan
* Pertandingan Sukan Tradisi
* Pertandingan Masakan Tradisi
* Pameran Hasil-hasil Pertanian, Ternakan dan Perikanan
* Persembahan Kebudayaan Tradisi
* Persembahan Artis-artis Tempatan

Gomantong Caves - Sabah

>> Rabu, 4 Disember 2013

It was March and one of the highlights on the tour itinerary was a visit to the Gomantong Caves on the way to Sukau and the Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary. The stopover at the caves was to be only for a couple of hours or so. Our 82km or 2 hr road trip from Sandakan was smooth enough and all was going well. We were dry and comfy in the van, the rainclouds were wringing down copious amount of rain and a friendly conversation was getting along with the other guests on the trip. There were only 3 of us on this tour and it was nice not to be cramped in with a large group. Then the driver took a turnoff towards Kampung. Sukau ( Sukau Village ) and traveled on for another 20 kms (12.4 miles) on a bumpy offroad to the main entrance of the caves. Little did we know that the 20km this boneshaker ride was only a teaser to the remaining trip ahead of us.It was March and one of the highlights on the tour itinerary was a visit to the Gomantong Caves on the way to Sukau and the Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary. The stopover at the caves was to be only for a couple of hours or so. Our 82km or 2 hr road trip from Sandakan was smooth enough and all was going well. We were dry and comfy in the van, the rainclouds were wringing down copious amount of rain and a friendly conversation was getting along with the other guests on the trip. There were only 3 of us on this tour and it was nice not to be cramped in with a large group. Then the driver took a turnoff towards Kampung. Sukau ( Sukau Village ) and traveled on for another 20 kms (12.4 miles) on a bumpy offroad to the main entrance of the caves. Little did we know that the 20km this boneshaker ride was only a teaser to the remaining trip ahead of us.Collection of birds' nests and the value of this produce have been recognised for as long as the Chinese djongs and ships sailed these waters and that dates back to the 13th Century. Before licensing was put into effect, the harvesting of birds' nests in the caves was managed by families on a rotational basis and the rights were inherited and passed down for generations. These days, the licensing is issued by the Wildlife Department, is based on tenders and costs about RM300,000 per harvest season. Under the Birds' Nest Ordinance and the Forest Enactment of 1968, heavy fines are imposed on unlicensed collectors. These birds' nests are so valuable that during non harvesting seasons, guards are posted at the cave to stop any poaching.Gomantong is one cave that is definitely worth a visit but one must make sure that the visit coincides with the harvesting seasons of the swiftlets' nests which happen to be from February to April and from July to September. The first harvest period coincides with the swiftlets' breeding season and ends before nesting begins. Harvesters collect the existing nests which prompts the swiftlets to construct new nests. The Black-Nest Swiftlets build nests with bits of feather, crumbs of moss / lichen and droppings mixed in with the saliva These dark coloured nests are considered of poor quality. The Edible-nest Swiftlet, on the other hand, build nests that are purely from their saliva. The white nests are smaller than of the Black-Nest Swiftlets but by far more valuable. Per kg of this quality will cost approximately USD1,000 - USD2,000 in the open market. The swiftlets build their nest at night, after a day out searching for food. The new nest will take about 30 to 35days to complete and once that's done, and the mother lays a maximum of 2 eggs which she broods for 1 month. When the fledglings are old enough to leave the nest, the harvesting season begins again. The harvesters must make sure that the nests are collected only after they are abandoned by the young swiftlets.But get this, the most prized birds' nest are the reddish brown nests believed to be saliva mixed with blood which the bird expels during nest building. It is thought to be highly nutritious. Researchers have found that contrary to this belief, the colour is derived from the oxidation of iron which results in rust. Rust definitely does not have nutritious value! Swiftlets build their nests at least 10m above ground but in lofty caves such as at Gomantong, the nests are some 90m above the cave floor. Harvesting is a tricky business. The harvesters have to constantly maintain and mend the rattan and bamboo ladders used to reach the nests 90 - 100m high. The first cave is known as Simud Hitam ( Black Cave ). Nests collected are of poorer quality. Further up from this cave is another called Simud Putih ( White Cave ), the larger of the two caves. This is located some 90m above Simud Hitam and is a treacherous climb. Anyone wanting to visit Simud Putih will have to apply for permit to do so and getting into the cave takes 5 hours. The prized white nests are found here.For a season's harvest, the worker gets a salary of RM3,500, ridiculously low for a task so dangerous but it is a lot of money to the locals. Once the nests are collected, it is carefully packed in gunny sacks and lowered down to the cave floor. The manager - normally the only Chinese in the crowd of locals, will quickly sew up the gunny so that no pilfering occurs.Whilst we were happily walking along the plankwalk, the workers were stomping up and down the guano mounds as they go about their work. The mounds looked alive, as the workers walked past, the ground seemed to heave. The strange dank, ammonia smell in the air was laced with a faint familiar stench. As the beam of our torches picked up the movement, immediately the stench came to light (sic). It was a seething blanket of cockroaches! Cave cockroaches! The cave is alive! Cockroaches, cave centipedes, millipedes, beetles, worms, spiders - a variety of bugs and a closed ecosystem. Everything in the cave is recycled and reused. Bats and fledglings that are too weak or too young to fly, fall to the squeegee cave floor and are quickly devoured, leaving only a trail of bones and beak. even in a small reserve like Gomantong there are species endemic such as O. mirabile, a separate species of Opisthostoma which is a land snail that lives on the ancient rocks of Gomantong in Borneo and nowhere else on Earth.After an hour in darkness, it was nice to step out into the sun again. Many visitors apparently have the good fortune to catch glimpses of wildlife such as orangutans. According to a survey conducted by HUTAN (an NGO based in Sukau, Kinabatangan) and the Sabah Wildlife Department in 2001, the orangutan population density was 3.8 individuals/km². An estimated population of 147 individuals shares this small protected area making it a high possibility of sightings in the area. The reserve is also home to a variety of birds but we didn't get to see any ~ The rain was still pelting down on us as we hurried down the plankwalk to our waiting van. At least it washed off some of the dirt from our ponchos but didn't dampen our spirits as our vehicle spluttered off back onto the offroads and towards Sukau. The trip was definitely enlightening! Paying $100s for a bowl of coagulated bird saliva is simply absurd, risking lives for a mere several thousand ringgit is.well, a simple way of life..

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